Student-Led Staff Awards

Congratulations to the winners of the Student Led Staff Awards 2024!


The Student Led Staff Awards is an annual initiative run by the Students’ Association, where students and learners can nominate teaching and support staff for a range of awards. Here are the Award Categories and below you can see our 2024 winners. A massive congratulations to all our winners! Check back in 2025 for the next set of awards!



A few words from Natasha: 

I have over 10 years of lecturing experience, at Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Professional and Apprenticeship levels, and I have taught at BPP for almost 6 years now. I previously was based at the Holborn centre, where I was Lead Tutor for Business Law and Practice for the SQE and Legal Apprentices Courses, and Training Manager for tutors. Since returning from maternity leave this year, I am now based in the Leeds centre. I really love teaching and see it as a real privilege to teach our students. I genuinely look forward to every class and feel honoured that so many of my students have remained in touch over the years as they finish their studies and let me know about their careers and milestones in their lives.

Without meaning to sound like an Oscar acceptance speech (!), I would like to thank very much indeed every single student who took the time to nominate me for these Awards. I do not take the recognition for granted. I will treasure these Awards always and I am very grateful. I was fortunate enough to receive the BPP Lecturer of the Year and BPP Hero of the Year Awards for the last two years as well, so I am real chuffed to get the hattrick!! Thank you again!


Julio-Cesar Betancourt is a renowned expert in International Commercial Arbitration and non-court Dispute Resolution. He is currently the Lead Tutor in International Dispute Resolution and Arbitration at BPP University.


A few words from Elizabeth:

I have been working at BPP since February 2023 as a degree apprenticeships coach and moved into a management role earlier this year whilst maintaining a caseload of learners until recently. The role of a coach is so rewarding, and I have loved seeing my learners develop and thrive whilst they are on programme. Being a coach has helped me to develop leadership traits and a growth mindset which I hope I can pass on to others too. Outside of work, I am a busy mum of four and enjoy property management as a hobby!


A few words from Dan:

Thank you to everyone who voted for me! I'm really appreciative of receiving this award, I hope to keep helping our students and making sure their student experience is the best it can be! Cheers.