Student Voice Representation

The Students' Association recruit Student Voice Representatives (SVR) each year and work directly with them on improving the student experience at BPP. The SVRs are recruited from across the various programmes to ensure a wide variety of views are considered.


Law School Representatives:


Business School Representatives:


Nursing School Representatives:


School of Technology Representatives:


If you want to find out more about the role please email


The role of a Student Voice Representative includes:

  • To join regular focus groups put on by the Students Association and various other departments within BPP to gain valuable student feedback on a wide range of issues and services;
  • To meet with the Senior Leadership Team at BPP in townhall meetings and subject sessions;
  • To attend various BPP University Boards and Committee meetings to represent student interests;
  • To work directly with the Student Association staff on any matters arising;
  • To co-author the annual Student Written Submission alongside the Students' Association. This document offers recommendations and areas of good practice annually and feeds into University workstreams.

Why become a Student Voice Rep:
