Contacting Safeguarding
During your studies with us, if you are in a situation where you feel unsafe, are worried about your welfare, or feel overwhelmed and like you might need some extra support, please contact us.
If urgent, call our helpline on 07464 542 636 (Monday - Friday 9am - 5:30pm)
If you are at immediate risk of harm, please call the emergency services on 999.
We will listen without judgement, and signpost you to support. You may also find the resources in the Support and Helplines Guide useful when facing a specific situation.
Safeguarding means protecting people’s health, wellbeing and human rights, and enabling them to live free from harm, abuse and neglect. We take the wellbeing and welfare of all our learners very seriously.
We have a dedicated BPP Safeguarding Team, who work directly with the learners, as well as other BPP teams and external agencies to ensure their safety. We want every learner to feel comfortable within BPP and safe in the knowledge that if they ever needed support, they would know where to go.
How we can help
For as long as our learners study with us, we have a duty of care to look after them. If any learners have any issues that they feel overwhelmed by, the Safeguarding team can find the right resources to help, working closely with the students that come to us, or are referred to us. We will listen, without judgement, and establish support as necessary. This may mean linking the student in with other BPP services or external charities or organisations, or it may mean offering emotional support during a tricky time.
We work closely with the other support services within BPP such as Learning Support, Mental Health and Wellbeing, Independent Advice and the Student Association Team. We also ensure all other BPP staff members are trained to identify any potential safeguarding concerns and that they know how to escalate these to the Safeguarding Team. The team provides safeguarding support to all BPP Students including our University, International and Apprentice student bodies.
Prevent is the strategy adopted by the Government to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism and ensure that they are given appropriate advice and support. At BPP we are committed to safeguarding learners from radicalisation, extremism, and the threat of terrorism. Protecting people vulnerable to being drawn into terrorism is the aim of Prevent, and as such, at BPP, this duty sits with the Safeguarding Team.
All BPP Staff have a responsibility to be aware of the Prevent duty and to encourage students to be diligent. Students can report any Prevent concerns they may have about themselves or any other student to a member of the Safeguarding Team.
For more information, please contact If you are concerned about someone within BPP then please contact For more information on the Prevent Duty, please visit ACT Early for advice and information.
British Values
It is the responsibility of all education providers to respect and promote the Fundamental British Values, and to discuss the threat of radicalisation with their students.
The Department of Education has specified the Fundamental British Values as:
At BPP we feel the best way to embody these values is through mutual respect, understanding and support, and to enable students to gain appreciation and respect for their own and other cultures.
By cultivating a diverse student population, by having rules and guidelines by which we study and socialise, and by giving our student body a voice, we can embed these values into the learning journey.
We aim to help learners develop and cultivate the life skills that will see them become an integral member of society and an informed participant in our democratic process, by encouraging respect for others, and a positive contribution to both BPP and wider society.
Online Safety
At BPP we understand the importance of promoting the safeguarding of our learners when using devices over the internet, safeguarding them from potentially harmful and inappropriate online material. We encourage all learners to have an awareness of the risks that exist online, and ways to combat these risks- in order to protect against online abuse, cyber-crime and security risks.
If learners need to seek support if they are concerned or upset by something they have seen online, they can get in touch with the safeguarding team, and we will discuss support options with them.
Consent and Communication:
Everyone can benefit from learning about consent, and it is important to understand what consent is so we can all look out for each other. We have therefore designed a short module about Defining and Communicating Consent, as well as resources, available HERE on the student association website.
Get in touch
During your studies with us, if you are in a situation where you feel unsafe, are worried about your welfare, or feel overwhelmed and like you might need some extra support, please contact and we will listen without judgement and signpost you to support.
If urgent, we have a dedicated helpline that operates from 9am – 5:30pm Monday to Friday, contactable on 07464 542 636.
Please note, this helpline is for assistance only, if you are in need of the emergency services you must call 999.
More information can be found on support pages on the VLE and Hub for all current BPP students.
Awareness Topics
Additional Resources