Communicating Consent

Everyone can benefit from learning about consent, and it is important to understand what consent is so we can all look out for each other. We have therefore designed a short module about Defining and Communicating Consent.

This course is for anyone who is, has, or wants to be, in any form of romantic relationship. 

This course is also for people who have friends and relatives who are dating or in relationships, and even for those who don’t want a relationship.

By the end of this module, you should be able to:

  • Know what consent is
  • Know some of the Law in the UK around Consent and Sexual Harassment
  • Understand how consent is communicated and when someone is not able to consent
  • Know where to access and find support if you need it

Please click here to access the module

You can also check out this fantastic course by Brook, on consent, available here: that helps you understand the law, gender norms, stereotypes and cultural factors which might affect someone's ability to consent, and gives information about how to communicate about consent.

Brook has information and advice on contraception, as well as articles like how to talk about condoms with your partner, and many more. 

The British Association for Sexual Health and HIV has a guide to safer sex here. Safer sex is about having sex with less risk of catching or passing on a sexually transmitted infection, and can include using condoms, having non penetrative sex, getting regularly tested for STDs, and planning on how you will protect yourself and partner(s).

There is a National Sexual Health Helpline that you can call if you are worried about your sexual health for free on 0300 123 7123, and the NHS has lots of advice and support on sexual health.

Lets talk about it has articles and resources for support, as well as various information about other sexual health services, like community support, youth services, vasectomy services, psychosexual counselling, and chemsex support.